United States of America
National Association of Corporate Treasurers (NACT)

Thomas C. Deas, Jr.
National Association of Corporate Treasurers
2961-A Hunter Mill RD – STE 658
Oakton, VA 22124-1704

Association General Enquiries
National Association of Corporate Treasurers
2961-A Hunter Mill RD – STE 658
Oakton, VA 22124-1704
Association Technical Enquiries
In April 2018, the NACT became one of approximately thirty institutions serving on the Alternative Reference Rates Committee, a public-private consortium convened by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to manage the transition in the United States away from LIBOR to new reference interest rates and to coordinate with similar bodies in other countries.
Members of the NACT function as the treasurer of their corporation, perform a substantial portion of the duties of a corporate treasurer or, in a large enterprise, serve as an assistant treasurer or similar position directly reporting to the treasurer.
NACT members and those in their corporate treasury departments are eligible for online training courses offered by the Association of Corporate Treasurers (academy.treasurers.org/training).
Tele-discussions on timely and relevant topics.
Chairman: Thomas C. Deas, Jr. - tdeas@nact.org
President: Caroline Stockmann - cstockmann@nact.org
Website articles and notices posted to www.nact.org
The NACT conducts monthly online virtual meetings of its members to discuss issues of current importance. NACT members come together annually in a National Treasurers Conference and a Fall Day of Discussions.